TNNA San Diego 2009
Oh Gosh…where to begin?
On my way to the airport we ran out of gas! I was already running late and my flight left in 45 minutes! I was only 5 minutes from the airport, called a taxi who came and picked me up (I left John with the kids at the car to wait for my brother to bring a gas tank), drove to the airport and it cost me $25.00!!! Can you believe it? Then, I got on the plane and was jumped from seat to seat to accommodate families who wanted to sit together. Then, I sat in front of two airline pilots who talked about plane crashes the ENTIRE TRIP!!! I already don’t fly well but to have to listen to those guys was over the top! However, I made it to San Diego successfully!
Oh, here is a good story! Well, for the last two weeks I have been working non-stop on a project that I wanted to have finished for TNNA. I was asked by Bijou Basin Ranch yarn company to make something for them. When I submitted some ideas they chose one that I call the Sweetheart Tunic and another one I am calling a Dual Cable Hat.
They were very nice and told me that I didn’t have to have the tunic done for TNNA but I knew it was good for me to have it complete so they could put it in their booth. So of course I was going to get that thing done! Turned out that I finished the knitting of the sweater on the plane to San Diego. Then I blocked and seamed it up in my hotel room on Friday night so I could meet Carl aka Yakman and Eileen aka Yaklady early Saturday morning to give it to them. I think they were happy with it since they put it up in their booth immediately and said that there were lots of compliments on it over the weekend! Yeah!!!! So, do you want to see it?
Pattern should be available at the end of the month for purchase.
Let’s see…OH Yeah! I planned a WONDERFUL dinner for Friday after the Fashion Show. It was so much fun! There turned out to be 28 people there…can you believe it? And not just anybody…some of the MOST talented people in the industry! Including Casey, Frecklegirl and Rainydaygoods…and some others like THE Annie, Mary Beth, Stefanie Japel, Amy Oneil Houck, Dora, Shannon Okey, Kristin Omdahl (my roommate!), Cecily Glowik, Kristen TenDyke, Melissa aka knittingdropout, Tara Jon Manning, Amanda from Lornas Laces, Mary Kay Tilden, Taren and Amy who own Polarknits, Carl and Eileen who own Bijou Basin Ranch, Marcy Smith new editor of IC, Eunny Jang, Miriam Felton, Kristi Porter, Sharon Silverman designer of the new Tunisian Crochet: The Look of Knitting with the Ease of Crocheting (, of course…SHARON DREIFUSS aka sheknits…and I am sure I am missing some people but my mind is blank as I am yelling at kids right now. Anyway, it was an awesome dinner at Rock Bottom Brewery…we even got carded which is something that has not happened to me in a LONG time!
That brings me to the TNNA event. There is so much to say that all I can say is that I felt like the Belle of the Ball. I got to walk the floor with sole designer who made me want to become a designer…THE Candi Jensen. I got to spend time in booths with some wonderful yarn companies who’s owners I just ADORE! Made some connections with publicist who are adding me to their press release lists to get more books to review for the show. I was given a chance to meet people (I would have never been able to meet) because of the generosity of a few designers and such who introduced me. There were talks of book deals…chances to design for more companies…and oh yeah…LOTS OF PRODUCTS TO REVIEW FOR THE PODCAST! I even got to meet the author of Friday Night Knitting Club!
I laughed a lot! I was even told by one man that I was a little crazy…not need medicine crazy but real close! I said to him “thanks…I guess!”
All in all, it was an amazing trip! I LOVED rooming with Kristen…she is a truly wonderful and positive person who I know I will be friends with for a long time!! Not to mention super talented!
Sharon and I are always the best of friends! You all know that she is my sister from another mother!
Mary Beth Temple…You know how much I love you; seriously and truly! I was honored that you joined me for dinner and helped me out with several questions. You are FANTASTIC!
So, there you have it…a quick sum up of the trip…is that good for ya?
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1 comment:
I'm glad the trying beginning didn't ruin your trip. Looks like you had a great time!
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