Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Swipper No Swipping, Swipper No Swipping,

Swipper Nooooo...

(me sitting in airport in Denver waiting for plane)

I named these the Never Ending Socks as it seemed I would never get them done. No matter how much I tried to make time to work on them I constantly had to put them down to work on something else more urgent.

Furthermore, these socks were actually supposed to be for me! So of course I had to finish them!
However, you know how some things don't turn out the way you want them too? I was showing my mom the socks the other day to point out the flaw in the stripping.

Can you see it? Look closely, notice the brown? That is right, missing an entire brown row! I didn't notice this until the entire sock was finished. Then, considering that I was using the stripes as the measurement for when to start my toe decrease, one sock is a little smaller than the other. I was willing to live with this little mistake to finally have my first pair of handknit socks but my mom saw it another way.

Like Swipper the Fox, she quickly reached out her hand and snagged the socks out of mine and shoved them in her robe...declaring them hers! All she needed to say next was "You're Too Late! You'll never find your precious socks now!"

One one hand, I am totally flattered; but on the other, I am totally bummed! I wanted those socks! Oh well, what is done is done. Funny thing is that she put the socks on immediately when she walked in the house (as we were standing next to my car because I was getting ready to leave) and stuck her foot out the door like a rockette to taunt me! If you ever wonder where I get you know!

Luckily, she did let me at least take these pictures of them before she took them away forever.
Maybe I will get to keep my next pair of socks. I just won't show ANYBODY unless they are on my feet...less likely to have somebody rip them off of me...but you never know huh?!

Yarn: Regia Jacquard
Basic stockinette stitch.



  1. The socks look great! The missing stripe is annoying on principle, but sweet and charming in function. I can see why your mom took the socks right off her baby's feet.

  2. Those are really nice socks. I'll bet your mom will love them for a long time.

  3. love the socks.. even minus the missing stripe.

  4. They look fine to me!! I'd swipe 'em too!!

  5. At least you've finally brought an end to the never ending socks!
    I think they turned out fine, fun colors!
    Happy knitting,

  6. Sorry your mom swipe your socks - I would have done it too - if i had the chance - :-)

  7. LOL, this is my first time here, and you crack me up :-)
    For what it is worth, I LOVE your crocheted poncho, my crocheted poncho is an oversized martha stewart that somehow hangs down past my knees. At least yours is cute. Your socks rock too! (um...your mom's socks....) I followed your comments from the yarn harlot, and I am in Denver too for the 5th... hope to see you there :-)

  8. Hi Marly!
    I put you on my blogroll, I hope you don't mind. I hope to meet you in person at the Tattered Cover! I'll be working on a sock, too. Hmmm. Maybe we should all wear big obnoxious nametags?

    Nah. We'll just find each other. Maybe someday I'll get my kid to show me how to use his digital camera and I can upload a pic.

  9. Ooh, you have a sneaky Mama! Those socks look fantastic Marly! You know, you could always steal them back ;) I am evil.

  10. Marly! I've been catching up. What a week you've had! How's your sister and baby?

    Your mom is a crack-up!
