Friday, September 14, 2007

ARGGGH, Walk The Plank...

Shiver me timbers; is that a knitted eye patch?

Well, it sure is. There was a festival in Olde Town Arvada last weekend and the theme was Pirate.

So, of course it was a perfect opprotunity for me to knit up these FANTASTIC eye patches for my kids.

They got to pick the colors and tole me "MOOOOOM, I don't want BLAAAAACK!"

Well, what do you do when they make a plea like that? You make pink and blue eye patches.


  1. Oh man, how did I not hear about this festival? Oh, that's right, I wasn't allowed out of the house......
    Those patches are NICE. Yarrrrnnnn.....

  2. Ahhhrrrrrr me hearties! Just in time for International talk like a pirate day!

  3. Great EyePatches! It seems you and your young uns came to an accord about color.

  4. Those eye patches are so cute! What a great idea :)
