Friday, October 19, 2007

The Marly Bag

Hey all! I have been wanting to post all about my Marly bag on here for a while but have been super busy and now I am finally getting a chance to do that!

I was lucky enough to get my very own Marly Bag Kit from Sharon as an early birthday gift (NOV. 10..and I have beautiful brown eyes...LOL...inside joke). For those of you who don't know Sharon...she is a podcaster friend of mine. Yes, we met online...we are one of those internet relationships that really works. We should be on the e-harmony commercial or something! LOL! JUST JOKING!!! Really, she is a friend of mine and is my partner in crime for the Holiday Kal-Cal!

Okay, about the bag. Sharon designs the CUTEST bags! And new I love Purple and Color Work so she named this bag after me! Isn't that GREAT!

When I got the package in the mail, SERIOUSLY, I wanted to cast on for it as soon as I got it but didn't have the right size needles. So, had to wait for the stores to open the next day.

I did get the cheapo Susan Bates needles at Hobby Lobby because they were 50% off and seeing that my wallet was a little thin (if you know what I mean) I couldn't afford the nice stuff. Anyway, that was Friday. I think I did the Cast On and maybe the first five rows Friday Night.

Saturday morning...I sat in my arm chair and did NOTHING...barely even got up to PEE...but knit this bag! It was so totally addicting! (John took care of the kids...I was in decompress mode after the book) The slip stitching color work is like magic! Sharon told me it was but to actually see it with my own two eyes...AMAZING!!

Anyway, by 7:30 Saturday Night I had it in the washer!!! I called Sharon to let her know, so she could share in the excitement :-) However, she was at dinner and couldn't chat...but I could tell in her voice that she was just as happy as I was!!

I pulled it out of the washer after a 30 minute cycle, pulled it into the shape I wanted then I stuffed it full of a Sam's Club (economy size) bag of diapers. Seemed to be the perfect fit! It dried over night and I have been using it as a purse ever since!!

Here are some pictures of the Great Event :-)

Now I can't wait to make the Pipes and Braids bag...or the Ali Purse :-)


Pre-felted...inside out...

Can you tell I haven't showered all day?
I always get a little worried when I put something in the washer...
And for some reason I always take a picture of myself...why?
After the washer and stretched to fit the diapers :-)

Sharon always takes pictures of her bags with either her daughters
or herself holding it. SO, I thought I would
get my daughter to hold my bag.
The dress doesn't really hide her does it, LOL!!



  1. I love the colors! And thank you for taking a picture of the inside of the bag. Stranded work is so cool to look at from the inside as well as the outside.

    You did a great job!

  2. Wow beautiful colors! I love it. You did a great job. I'm glad you shared the non-shower story cause that is how I get when I am working on something. Just completely submerged in working. Great job!

  3. Very nice Sherlock!
    What a good use for diapers. LOL

  4. It is beautiful! I love Saturday mornings like that! :)

  5. It's an awesome Marly bag!!!! OK, now I need to go make one! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog about me listening to you while on the gulf coast beaches of Florida this week...I had a ball listening to you, Sharon, and a few others while knitting with my Zephyr laceweight on the beach. Too fun!!!!! :) OH, and I swam, too. Hey, thanks SO much for the last podcast on crochet for us crochet-phobic knitters! I "MAY" try the crochet cast off sounds easy and a great skill to have. I love the podcast...keep it up! It's like having a "knit night" with the girls!
    Kris in NH :)

  6. Great bag in fun colors!

    Now, there is some question as to the psychological reasons for the pictures while felting. LOL
