Sunday, November 11, 2007

Holiday Kal-Cal

It is so very serial to know that Sharon and I have created something online that both my Knitting and Crocheting friends can participate in and win prizes! Truly, I feel like peace has been made by the Sharks and the Jets!

This Holiday Kal-Cal is going like gang-busters (my favorite new phrase after I heard Nicole use it). We now have over 200 people who have joined and posting some of the most BEAUTIFUL pictures of their projects. If you ever wanted inspiration or ideas for other projects for your Christmas or Holiday knitting or crochet you need to go and check it out!

The variety it amazing!

It has been a lot of work to get everybody signed up and getting the contributions all up to date but i am afraid the most tedious part is yet to come! See, I still have to put ALL the pictures that people are posting into a flickr group so the GRAND PRIZE VOTE can be easy.

I know what you are thinking, "why don't I just have the Holiday Elves post pictures into the flickr group too?" Well, some of the elves are new to blogging and I think adding another step to the whole thing could get confusing so I though it best to just do it myself.

That is, unless I could talk some of the other elves to help me :-)

Anyway, I thought I would let you all know what I have been up to lately. There is so much more but I will share that with you tomorrow :-)

Last Day to Sign Up to the Kal-Cal
is November 15, 2007!


  1. My husband has the computer again this week at work (until the 18th). If you still need help after that, count me in!

  2. Thanks...I will be in touch Marie!!!

