Friday, February 22, 2008


I have some really wonderful news to share.

For the last week I have been dealing with the threat of my sister having Thyroid Cancer.

She went for a biopsy and was told that it was not thyroid cancer but a very good chance that it was Lymphoma.

Well, needless to say I have been an emotional wreck! The thought of my 27 year old sister having this terrible cancer has been really hard and made me want to just crawl in bed and sleep for days.

She is my little sister; she has three little boys who need her;

Of course we had to wait another two days before she could go and get another biopsy done. That was yesterday. At 4:30 this afternoon today we found out the results.
She has some sort of something on her thyroid. I can't tell you what it is because as she was telling me what it was I was sobbing with happiness and praising the Lord for his Grace.
I have tears streaming down my face now!

My dear friends...
The past few months have been full of cancer in my life. It seems that where ever I turn somebody in my life has cancer. My dad's best friend has been battling Lymphoma for three years and is in a serioius battle for his life as I type. His sickness has been very hard on my dad which makes it even harder for all of us in the family. After all, watching my dad so sad is hard!
My BFF Tara (you all know her as the one who made the "rug" from my podcast) was told right before Thanksgiving last year (2007) that her mom had Breast Cancer. She had a double masectamy a week before Christmas and now T is living at home with her mom taking care of her during her Chemotherapy treatments.
Tara even had to shave her moms head two weeks ago because the hair was falling out all over the house and her mom just wanted it gone. Could you even imagine how tough that would be to do?

Then, there is Nicole. My dear, sweat friend Nicole. One of my newest friends but certainly becoming one of my best friends. Watching her begin this journey through Chemo and the loss of her left breast has been eye opening and to say the least gut wrenching. But her positive outlook on life and her unsurmountable courage is a joy to be around. I am blessed to call her my friend!

Now, It is time for some good news and I am THANKFUL that it has come! Whatever it is that my sister has is curable and is not life threatening. :-)

All I can say is PRAISE THE LORD!
Just wanted to share with all of you.



  1. OMG! How wonderful for your sister! It sounds like you and your family has definitely been through a lot lately. :( Let me know if there's any way I can help!

  2. Oh Marly, I am so sorry you and your sister have had to go through this! Thank goodness everything turned out okay. It just serves to remind you how precious each moment really is. *hugs* I'm so happy for you and your sister.

  3. For some reason I had a feeling something was going on in your life. I so sorry you've had to endure all these challenges but grateful that your sister has had good news. There is nothing harder than not being able to do "something" for the ones you love. I'm thrilled for you all and will add your family to my prayer list and pray that your sister is completely cured of her non-cancer situation!

  4. Oh Marly, I am so glad your sister doesn't have cancer and I am sorry you had to go through that emotional ordeal.

  5. That's great news about your sister. Last year my husband was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and for two months we went around thinking he had cancer. Then they went and removed his whole thyroid and about a million lymph nodes and told us it was even worse than they thought (they said stage II rather than the initial diagnosis of stage I). After some more tests on the removed thyroid, we got a call saying, actually, you don't have cancer, you just have a thing on your thyroid that looks like cancer. I think it's called a Hurthle cell tumor or something like that. Anyhow, I'm glad for you and your sister!

  6. Thank heavens, it is not cancer. In the case of cancer, small blessings are wonderful. I will keep your family and friends in my prayers.

  7. Oh my gosh, that is so scary. But thank God it's not cancer! I'm sorry there are so many other people you know currently battling that terrible disease. I'm sending warm wishes for a full and speedy recovery to all of them.

  8. Marly, I am so sorry that you've had such heaviness in your heart lately. I am so glad that your sister does not have cancer. How wonderful! I send Nicole daily blessings and wish your family and friends good health as well.


    Thank the Lord, your sister is ok.

    Love ya,

  10. I've had the case of "threes". 3 people near and dear to me had been diagnosed terminal. First my Nana lost her mind, literally, and it took the body 6 months to follow. She was 84 when she died last month. Then a dear friend was diagnosed with terminal cancer almost 2 years ago. He also died last month at age 67. He was great up until the last couple of months. Then 2 days after my Grampie's 90th birthday in December he too was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I was going to say that it is different to face losing your elders but it's really not. Except we're not suppose to be that sad because as Grampie said, he's lead a good life. I'm not sure how that makes it any easier.

    I am so glad you and your sister have gotten a better diagnosis. However, it should make all of us stop and think. This life is too short. We have to value our time here and those around us.

    Thanks for sharing Marly.

  11. I'm so glad to hear that your sister doesn't have cancer! That really is wonderful news :)

    I'm sorry to hear about your dad and Tara going through this with their friends and family.

    I love Nicole's positive attitude! I really think that will help her get through this :)

  12. Wonderful news about your sister. I guess it just goes to show you that even in the darkest times, there are still rays of light to be found.

  13. Good to hear that your sister is going to be okay! I hear you about the cancer everywhere. Its been like that on my side!

  14. Wonderful news, Marly. Glad everyone is healthy!!

  15. Oh Marly, I'm so glad for your sisters good news! Frankly, once I read Lymphoma I got scard for you. Lymphoma has effected my family for the past few years and it's such an awful disease. All cancer is so scary. It just seems so common these days. I pray there will be a cure.

  16. Marly,

    I came over here to say THANKS for the great cast off with crochet hook tip you left on the Yarn Harlots blog today (Tuesday) and read your post about your sister.

    So happy to hear of your good news, and hers. I'll send out prayers that the others in your life that are dealing with it and prayers for all of you that love them.

  17. I'm so thrilled to hear that your sister is going to be OK. Wonderful news!
