Friday, May 16, 2008

I think I might have a problem...

Well, the other day I as sorting through some of my crochet hooks. I emptied all my knitting and crochet bags in search for as many hooks as I could find. Before I could look in all my other "hiding" places the kids started to get into things.

So, I was stuck just going through the hooks I could find in my bags. Now, the question you should be asking many hooks did I find? Honestly, I don't really know. But I took some pictures. Want to see?

What do you I have a problem? Yes...those are all crochet hooks!

Well, how about this...I decided I was going to organize my magazines and list them on Ravelry. You know what the problem with that is don't you? That means I have to come to terms with the fact that I have a lot of magazines. Just how many? Well, take a look!

This is just a bunch of pictures of the same piles of magazines. I have every single of Knit Simple and Knit 1 and Knit Scene and Crochet Today, almost all the Interweave Crochet's (I know I have purchased all of them but for some reason I am missing two of about driving me crazy!), all the Interweave Knits since 2002, same thing for Vogue Knitting and Creative Knitting, then you need to toss in a lot of Crochet! and Knit n Style and Spin Off and Piecework and Knitters and Cast On and Family Circle Easy Knitting and Family Circle Easy Crochet and InKnitters and a few Crochet World and Crochet Fantasy (these are NOT my favorites). I know I am missing some but there you have it. I told you I have a lot of magazines!


P.S. Maybe next time I will take some pictures of my books and my stash of fun fur!!! LOL


  1. What problem? I don't see a problem, do you? LOL

  2. I agree.... Only problem would be if you didn't have a place to store them.

  3. :)
    Sounds familiar..

    You should have ask your hubby (or do it yourself as I did) to do you something like this

  4. So what's wrong with having all these magazines? For a moment I thought you had sneaked into my house and taken a picture of my magazine "collection". LOL!

  5. so maybe there should be a support group, 'cause I have the SAME problem!

  6. WOW! I thought I might be getting bad, since I was searching online today for size 0 needles ... only to find it in both double pointed and straight within my own stash. I was certain I didn't have any needles that small. I was certain!

    I hope you didn't show these pictures to John. =)

  7. I've bought a flat scanner and am scanning the stuff I want and then getting rid of the magazines.

    Keeping the IWK though....

  8. tag, you'r it!

    come by my blog and se...
