Monday, October 25, 2010


Some very exciting news from Yarn Thing Designs.  As you all know, I began designing for really reals in March of 2008 after some not so gentle nudging from Jill Wright aka woolcrafter.  Since then I have been going (excuse the expression) balls to the wall designing and have not looked back. 

When trying to make a true living in this industry I think it is important to diversify.  I am already bi-crafty but still I had to do more.  Meaning, I do some magazine work, some designing for yarn companies, some book work for others, I have a booklet with Leisure Arts coming out in February that I did with Jill, I am Creative Director for Bijou Basin Ranch Yarn, I was project manager for the first 13 patterns for the Stitch Nation Yarn with Debbie Stoller (did I ever tell you that?), and now I am working on expanding my own pattern line.  
One of the great things that has happened since I began designing is that some publishers allow designer to have their copyrights back and the designer is able to sell patterns themselves.  That means that most of my 52 patterns I have done in the last two years are now mine to sell!  Great right? Well, the only problem is that some of the designs I didn't get pictures of before I shipped them to the magazines.  Which means I need to have another one made and really, I don't have the time to do all that work nor do I have the money to pay somebody to do it for me! 

However, some of the designs I actually got back from the publishers and I am able to publish those under my own pattern line.  Most I have actually paid to have additional charts made to better explain (for example: the Crochet Thrummed Mittens patterns available for purchase on Patternfish or Ravelry have a chart for the stitch increases at the top of the mit and a chart for the thumb to mitten join).  So, I have actually revamped a lot of the patterns that were published else where so that they are even more user friendly. 

But let's face it, I can't make a living on old designs alone.  I need to have new ones that are original to my of line.  I have been fortunate enough to have established relationships with a variety of AWESOME yarn companies who have all offered me yarn support.  That is a huge relief and one that I thank GOD for every day. 

The next step was for me to get a few other yarn companies on board with my designing as well as trying to find a distributor.  Well, last June I had a chance to talk with Michael del Vecchio with Universal Yarns about using their yarns for my own pattern and having them distribute them.  He and I had a nice discussion over Jeni's Ice Cream and agreed to begin with four patterns for the 2011 Spring/Summer season.   FANTASTIC!

Well, the designs are done, pieces have been made, the patterns are written and have been test crocheted and/or knit and are available for purchase!!! 

As always, I wrote each pattern in a way that I find most useful...meaning I added as many charts as I could when I could and I put little notes here and there to help the crocheter custom fit the design if she wants to do so (for example: to add length to body add extra rows here; to add length to sleeves add extra stitch repeats here).  I have gotten great feedback from the designs and I hope you like them too.

I plan on dedicating a specific post for each design but I don't want you to feel like I built your expectation up only to not follow thru with the big reveal.  Here are the patterns I have out so far on Ravlery if you want to go and take a look.

Hydroponic Tunic
Ashley Sweater
Bashful Hat
Cuddles Baby Blanket
Palmer Slouchy (not available for purchase yet...still tweaking the pattern)



  1. Congratulations Marly! You are a rock star & inspiration.

  2. Agreed. You are definitely an inspiration. I remember listening to your podcast before you ever submitted a pattern and now here you are. How wonderful for you (can for us). You show all of us what you can do with your passion. I'm still waiting for that big girls crochet pattern book. ;) I'll check out your first four patterns and I'm happily waiting for more. :)

  3. Sorry that should have said, "How wonderful for you (and for us)."

  4. Wow, you have so much going on - amazing (guess the good thing is that it all has to do with yarn, knitting and crochet but still hard work).
    If you ever decide that you like to have some of your "old" patterns test knit/crochet - I happily volunteer - no pay of course just for the fun learning new things while testing lovely patterns :-)

  5. Way to get it out there, Sistah. You're doing a great job!

  6. Congratulations on your success! That is so cool! I checked out your patterns for sale on Ravelry and I love all of them! I will certainly keep them in mind for future projects. And I agree with love2stitch, if you ever need a pattern tester please keep me in mind. You can check out some of my crocheted items on the sidebar of my blog.
