Thursday, May 26, 2011

Barton Cardigan

Not sure where to start.  All most two years ago I was asked by the absolutely fantastic Lisa Shroyer to be a contributor to her new book Knitting Plus. Well, being a large size girl myself I know first hand the need for well written books on this subject matter.  So, needless to say, it was a no brainer for me to say yes immediately.

As far as direction, Lisa pretty much told me to do a yoke sweater, using Bijou Basin Ranch yarn (Bijou Bliss which is a Yak and Cormo blend...YUMM-O) that would be beautiful on a full size woman. Okay, let's get real for a moment, having all that freedom is wonderful but at the same time absolutely crippling!

I spent nearly three weeks swatching different stitch patterns until I found the one that I thought was visually appealing, different than anything I had seen before and one that I knew I would not get board making. Then, I decided that I wanted to not only knit this sweater on size 3 needles but why not make it a steeked sweater as well?  Go big or go home, right?

I must have chosen correctly because the response I have received for the Barton Cardigan (ravelry link) has been overwhelming! In a recent twitter interview with Shannon Okey, Lisa even said that it was one of her favorite designs in the book.  Talk about making me feel incredible! 

Well, if you have happen to like this cardigan as well and want a little help to make is your lucky day!  The wonderful Julie Matthews of  is hosting a KAL on ravelry for the Barton and I've signed on to "teach" it online to all of you!

The Barton KAL begins on June 1, 2011.  All the details and such are on the ravelry group so please look there to find out more ;-)

Hope to see some of you there!

P.S. If you want to hear more about the Knitting Plus book, have a listen to the interview I did with Lisa on my podcast.

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