Wednesday, December 06, 2006

SnB and Sock Update

I recently started a new Mom's SnB and today was our first meeting. Now, I am a little biased but I would have to say it went really well. Nothing better than getting together with a bunch of other knitters! It seems that getting groups of knitters together is not that easy; especially around Christmas. However, I think I hit upon a niche that nobody (at least in my area) has hit upon before. Stay at home MOMS. We are always doing the hustle and bustle for the kids, the husband, the church group, the dog, but not much is really available for us. That has all changed starting today.

Every Wednesday afternoon from 1:00-3:00 I am going to be at the McDonald's at the corner of Bellview and Kipling in Littleton Colorado. If you are a knitter or a crocheter you are welcome to join us.

There were Five of us there. We ate, drank, chatted, and worked on our projects all while the kids played together (some times peacefully sometimes not). Why there? McDonald's is the perfect place for a Mom's SnB. The kids get to play with new kids as the day goes on so they don't get bored; There are free drink refills so you won't go thirsy; and best of all, you don't have to clean up the mess! We moms need to do something for us during the day, at least once a week.

What did I work on you ask? Well, contrary to the overwhelming vote for the socks second from the left, I worked on socks using the yarn farthest to the right (sorry). In truth, I started the ones on the right before people had started voting. You all took too long to give me input so I had to make an executive decision. However, I must say you all made the day of my BFF. The socks you did pick are hers! Not to worry, she will get them. Just as soon as I finish some of my Christmas gifts.

The orange color in the picture is actually red. Nice colors really. I like this sock.

The other cool thing about today is that I met two new people who stopped me (first while I was buying yarn and second at the SnB) and asked me if I could teach them. Wow, two more people in the world who want to learn how to crochet and knit, imagine that! I would like to say hi to Ruth and Candice and I really hope to hear from you both. Just love to bring another person into my addiction. After all, addicts love company :-)


Melody said...

thats awesome!! sounds like a great time.. good for you guys. us moms gots to sticks together!

Lisa T said...

Great idea about the MickyD's. Wish I could get some such together.

Maybe I just need to get out more. Yeah, that's it.

Mei Travis said...

Your BFF is one lucky gal to have such an eager sock knitter for a friend.

The backstitch BO is at the bottom of the only November entry....