Capricious Cardi and Holiday Tote
Well, it has been a while since I have written anything huh? Not because I haven't wanted to but because I have been so busy I have literally had no time to sit and tell all of you about what is going on right now.Where to start? How about I tell you all about two new designs I did for Inside Crochet Magazine?
The the Capricious Cardigan (Ravelry links): There is a long story about this cardigan but I am not sure you want to hear all about it. Oh, you do? Okay, how about I tell you a little bit...
This pattern is one of my favorites. It is my first pattern that I did sleeves for, it is my first pattern that I did intense waist shaping on in a pattern stitch, and it is my first pattern that I had made by somebody else (Jenni).
Funny story about the last thing there. See, Jenni is one of my best friends. It was about 5 years ago that I taught her how to crochet and she has been a CHAMPION since then. Nothing can stop her. The best part about having had taught her how to crochet is that now that she is a contract crocheter for me I can explain something I want to do and she totally get's it. It is like she and I are one. It really is a fantastic thing. As a matter of fact...the pattern for this sweater was written in a McDonald's Play Place over a lunch "meeting". From there Jenni took my notes and made what you see to the Left....well everything except the sleeves.
Do you think you could make an entire sweater based on that little drawing you see over there? Jenni did...THAT is all she had...those were my instructions to her! See what I mean about her just getting me? She is amazing!! Here is a link to the flickr set if you want to see more pictures...
Okay, sleeves...I knew they would be hard to do. Especially since I had not only NEVER made sleeves for anything let alone design them. Needless to say, I needed a little more time to write those than a lunch at McDonald's would provide. It took me four tries before I got the right look. Finally, I did.
Yep, you read that right, I submitted a design idea including something that I had absolutely no idea how to do. But, like everything these days, I figured that if Amy and Julie (editors of Inside Crochet) picked it up I would quickly figure out how to do it. And I did :-) Mind you, with a little help from my FANTASTIC tech editor who holds my hand and finds ups :-)
Anyway, that is the quick story about this sweater. Now, go and favorite it on Ravlery!
One thing that was also super cool and new for me in this particular issue (Inside Crochet, issue #5) is that I had TWO patterns in it! I had never had two patterns in one issue before...yowza!
The Holiday Tote is a HUGE felted bag that I needle felted snowflakes on to make it more festive.
The yarn is my new favorite yarn to felt with, Kraemer Yarns Mauch Chunky. Seriously...fantastic!! And it isn't that expensive! Kraemer was kind enough to offer me yarn support to make this bag since the yarn that I was supposed to get from the magazine never arrived. They are super awesome people over there.
I just LOVE this bag and I think the handles make it spectacular. I was told by Julie that the entire office at Inside Crochet in England LOVED this bag. What a huge compliment huh?
Another funny story about this bag. Last June when I was on my way to TNNA I was sitting at the airport and a woman started to talk to me about knitting (because of course I was knitting something). Her name was Kirsten Muench, owner of Muench Yarns who distributes Grayson E leather handles!!!
Well, of course I told her about this bag I was making and she offered to give me a set of her handles after the show so I could use them in the magazine! Cool huh? It was so kind of her!
Anyway, I hope you will make this bag as it is SOOOO easy. Now, go and favorite this one on Ravlery :-)
I have more patterns to share with you but only have time to write one blog a stay tuned.
Neato stuff, Marly. You do great work!
Nice job!
BTW, is Mauch Chunky sold anywhere locally? I seriously haven't had time to peruse yarn shops lately.
Yay, a post! Love the cardi and the bag is just too cool! And you're right about those handles. They rock that bag.
Ooh, I love big bags, especially big bags with yummy leather handles!
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