Thursday, February 01, 2007

Wait for it!

Hey all, I am working really hard to finish a crochet felted bag that I am designing. For some reason, every time I start to work on it my kids start to ransack the house! Therefore, what should have been done in a few days is now dragging on for almost two weeks....just a bit longer than I expected. Anyway, I am going to the Denver Creative Festival this weekend and really want to bring it. So that means I have to get it done today so I can felt it tonight, let it dry tomorrow and it will be ready by Saturday.

Once I get the bag put together I will take some pictures so you all can see the process from start to finish. After that I am going to put the pattern on my blog if you like the bag.

So, stay posted...actual fiber content to come!

P.S. Tonight is the Monthly Needle and Thread at Red Rocks Baptist Church is CANCELLED!

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